What information is contained in a tax search?
Tax information for the current year, along with a copy of the most recent bill, and a statement of sewer rents is provided.
How do I arrange for trash pick-up at my house?
To arrange for a weekly trash pick-up, you must contact a licencsed hauler. Examples are Waste Management (585-254-3500), Youngblood Disposal (585-254-7081), Heberle Disposal (585-458-8600, Coakley Disposal (585-624-4344), and Suburban Disposal (585-352-3900). The Village crew does not provide trash pick-up.
Does the Village send out a newsletter?
The Village sends out a newsletter twice a year, a Spring-Summer issue, and a Fall-Winter issue. These newsletters highlight special features regarding work accomplished within the Village, articles on residents, homes, upcoming events, and other articles pertinent to the season in which the newsletter is being mailed. Suggestions are always welcome.
I am looking for a particular business within the Village of Pittsford, but am unable to locate it in the phone book. Does the Village maintain a directory?
The Pittsford Village Business Directory is currently under re-construction and will be available shortly. Questions regarding a particular business could be answered by our building inspector at 585-586-4332.
Do you know where I can get a passport?