Pollinator and Butterfly Garden Workshop
When:Please join us at Village Hall for a workshop held by Mary Moore.
Gardening for Life: Keystone Plants - What are they and Why do we need them?
Keystone plants are the host plants necessary for pollinators and birds to thrive in our yards.
Pollinators have selective palates just as we do - in fact, they require keystone plants to survive.
Native plants are critical to welcome bees, butterflies, moths, and birds and to increase biodiversity
in our yards. Learn about native plant research, types of keystone plants, plus view a Doug
Tallamy video for inspiration and education.
Color Pittsford Green's goal is to establish a corridor through Pittsford for pollinators by "connecting "
the habitats the town and village have planted with residents' pollinator areas. Learn how to register
to become a connection site.