Public Open House for 2019 Draft Comprehensive Plan & Zoning Code Update, Followed by Public Hearing for Draft Comprehensive Plan -- Monday, June 24 from 2:00 to 8:30PM (Public Hearing begins at 7PM)
When:The Village has undertaken the simultaneous update of its Zoning Code and Comprehensive Plan to ensure that both documents reflect current community values. The Comprehensive Plan update provides a context for Pittsford’s vision, goals, and future land use preferences. The zoning code update ensures consistency with the updated Comprehensive Plan and provides a clear, concise regulatory framework to shape and guide future investment.
The purpose of the Open House is to provide residents an opportunity to review and comment on the Draft Plan and Zoning Code, while also learning more about how they are interrelated. At 7:00PM, a Public Hearing will be held by the Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee. Please note this is NOT the final Public Hearing for the Plan, but a requirement of NYS Village Law §7-722(6)(b) for the Plan update process. Residents may attend either, both, or part of the Open House and Public Hearing to provide comment. All input obtained, regardless of format, will be retained in the public record and given due consideration. If you’d like to view the Draft Plan & Zoning Code ahead of time, view the following links...
If you are unable to attend the Open House, you can email comments on the draft to