Village Trustee Candidate Forum
An election is scheduled for March 20, 2018, for Village of Pittsford Trustee. Two candidates are running for this position: appointed Trustee David Ferris who is running on the Republican Party line and the Pittsford Village United Party line, and Dan Keating who is running on the Democratic Party line.
On Friday, March 16th, a Candidates Forum will be held at the Pittsford Presbyterian Church at 21 Church Street to provide each candidate an opportunity to talk about issues facing Pittsford Village. Both candidates will have an opportunity to respond to questions submitted by the audience.
This forum will be sponsored by the Pittsford Chamber of Commerce and moderated by Liz Konar, the former Principal of Pittsford Sutherland High School.
The event begins at 7:00 PM. Doors will open at 6:30 PM. Upon arrival, Village residents will be provided a card on which they may submit questions for the candidates. The moderator will ultimately select questions in advance of the 7PM start. While name and Village address are required to submit a question, the moderator will share them anonymously.