The Village of Pittsford is committed to achieving ambitious climate goals through targeted local projects and community engagement. This section outlines the key climate objectives and ongoing sustainability initiatives led by the Village.
Alternative Transportation: Support for multi-modal transportation to reduce automobile reliance. Create a regional transportation network with sustainable modes.
Smart Growth and Land Use: Adoption of Traditional Neighborhood Design to combat suburban sprawl.
Natural Resource Conservation: Preserve open spaces, wetlands, and woodlands for ecological sustainability.
Health and Safety: Partnership with local organizations for community well-being.
Equity in Housing and Services: Mixed-use housing recommendations and inclusive recreation.
Green Economic Development: Attract and retain sustainable businesses and startups.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Support for alternative energy solutions.
Resource Efficiency: Water conservation and stormwater management.
Waste Reduction and Recycling: Programs to minimize solid waste.
Local Food Systems: Promotion of farmers' markets and community composting programs.
Climate Adaptation: Increase public awareness and participation in climate resilience programs.
Smart Growth and Land Use: Adoption of Traditional Neighborhood Design to combat suburban sprawl.
Natural Resource Conservation: Preserve open spaces, wetlands, and woodlands for ecological sustainability.
Health and Safety: Partnership with local organizations for community well-being.
Equity in Housing and Services: Mixed-use housing recommendations and inclusive recreation.
Green Economic Development: Attract and retain sustainable businesses and startups.
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy: Support for alternative energy solutions.
Resource Efficiency: Water conservation and stormwater management.
Waste Reduction and Recycling: Programs to minimize solid waste.
Local Food Systems: Promotion of farmers' markets and community composting programs.
Climate Adaptation: Increase public awareness and participation in climate resilience programs.
- LED Streetlight Conversion: The Village has transitioned its streetlights to energy-efficient LED bulbs, reducing energy consumption and costs.
- Municipal Fleet Upgrades: Efforts are underway to replace traditional municipal vehicles with hybrid or electric vehicles, decreasing fuel consumption and emissions.
- Solar Installation Feasibility Studies: The Village is exploring opportunities to install solar panels on municipal properties to generate clean, renewable energy.
The Village’s sustainability initiatives are guided by comprehensive plans and reports that outline strategies for achieving climate goals. These documents are available for public access to ensure transparency and encourage community participation.
The Village’s Comprehensive Plan incorporates sustainability principles and outlines long-term goals for community development and climate resilience.
This plan outlines strategies for improving walking and biking infrastructure, reducing car dependency, and promoting healthier transportation options.