Village Board Workshop Notice, January 21, 2025
Village of Pittsford Board of Trustees
Dear Neighbors,
Due to a clerical error, incomplete information was released regarding this workshop. Please accept our apologies and see the notice and agenda below:
Public Workshop for Commercial Property Owners in the Village
Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Noon-1 P.M.
Village Hall, 21 N. Main Street
Commercial property owners in the village have been contacted to attend an informal round-table discussion regarding the business environment in our community.
This is an opportunity for the Board of Trustees to hear concerns and receive input from this group of stakeholders regarding the following topics:
- business climate
- vacancies
- business opportunities
- village support to businesses and commercial property owners
The public is welcome to observe in person or attend by ZOOM. The meeting will be recorded and made available online.
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