Local Law 4: Short-term Rentals
On July 11, 2023, The Board of Trustees enacted a 6-month moratorium on short-term rentals (STRs) in the Village of Pittsford. It goes into effect immediately. Existing STRs are not affected by this moratorium.
The purpose of the moratorium is to press a “pause button” on any new STRs to allow an assessment of the impact, if any, on the village environment and its residents. A Short-term Rental Citizen Advisory Committee has been established and will be working during this time to evaluate the impact of STRs on the community and make recommendations to the Trustees regarding possible legislation, or not.
Any property owners establishing an STR during this time will violate the moratorium code and be subject to fines.
For more information and to review the moratorium law go to:
Village of Pittsford or call Village Hall at 585-586-4332