
Chapter 497 of the Laws of 1999 amends the Vehicle and Traffic Law effective on April 1, 2000 to provide that every county and the City of New York shall establish a handicapped parking education program for the purpose of providing education,advocacy and increased public awareness of handicapped parking laws. In order to fund this program the statute provides for imposition of a $30 mandatory surcharge for violations relating to handicapped parking spaces. This surcharge is in addition to any other sentence, fine or penalty.

One-half of the amount will be paid to chef fiscal officer of the county in which the violation occurred. These monies must be used to fund the handicapped parking education program. The other one-half of the surcharge will be paid to the chief fiscal officer of the municipality which brought the charge for violation. The municipality's share will be used for local justice programs and purposes. At least ten percent of the municipality's share must be used for developing and implementing a disability awareness program for local law enforcement agencies. The purpose of the disability awareness program is to train local law enforcement personnel to recognize and appropriately respond to persons with disabilities.

Please view the Village Code for a listing of violations and their associated fines.

Article V - Miscellaneous Provisions


137-11 Seasonal parking Restrictions

It shall be unlawful for any person, between the hours of 2:00 a.m. until 6:00 a.m. on any day from November 1 until April 15 in any year, to park or cause to be parked any automobile or other vehicle upon any street or public way or portion thereof used by the public within the corporate limits of the village.


137-17.1 Accessibility. [Added 1-9-1996 by L.L. No. 1-1996]

  A. Premises which are not readily accessible from public roads, and which the fire department or any emergency service may be called upon to protect in case of fire or other emergency, shall be provided with access roads or firelanes so that all buildings on premises are accessible to the fire department and emergency service apparatus.
  B. Access roads and firelanes shall be adequately maintained and kept free and clear of obstructions at all times
  C. It shall be a violation of this section to park motor vehicles on, or otherwise obstruct, any firelanes or emergency access road.
  D. It shall be the responsibility of the Building Inspector and/or Fire Marshall to designate and establish the location of firelanes in the village. All such designated and established firelanes shall be marked appropriately so that the location of such lanes shall be identifiable by the public
  E Unless otherwise provided by the Building Inspector and/or the Fire Marshal, a "fire lane" shall be defined as all driveways, aisles, walkways, access drives exclusive of parking spaces and loading areas existing on any property on which there is maintained a parking facility for five or more cars.


Village of Pittsford Parking Map shows all permissible and restricted parking.

View the entire Village Code for more information.